Monday 27 February 2012

Personal Developement Plan 3

I have been learning to source and find material to work from in IT, Music and also in Art where I have developed and created ideas, this I think has helped me speed up again, although I am faster at sourcing and collecting data, still can’t record data very quickly, to improve this I am trying to write down information quicker of the board.
In Time management, although I haven’t created a time table but have now routine times when I can do work, for instance I now do maths work on Sunday afternoon. I now also spend late Monday afternoons with Dan doing work this has also helped me keep in time with deadlines.

Personal deveopement plan 2.

9/1/12 -
I have been learning to source and find material to work from in IT, Music and also in Art where I have developed and created ideas, this I think has helped me speed up, although I am faster at sourcing and collecting data, I still can’t record data very quickly.
In Time management, although I haven’t created a time table but have now routine times when I can do work, for instance I now do maths work on Sunday afternoon.
This has helped me keep in time with deadlines.